Pity/Pivot Party explores the heartaches, humor, and highlights of joining the “party” no one wants to attend. 

Invitations to this party are handed out by “some of the brightest minds and least empathic people on the planet.” 

Pity/Pivot Party describes the dance with destiny that unfolds when your child is diagnosed with a developmental disability or a chronic illness.  There is the “before” party and the “after” party.  This is the “after party” story. 

Based on my own life experience raising a talented golfer on the autism spectrum and then a D1-bound teenage lacrosse player who was felled by a post-Covid chronic illness, Pity/Pivot Party examines all of the questions we wrestle with as we reluctantly accept that party invitation: Who else will be there?  Do I bring my other kids? What do I wear? Will there be games at the party?  What will we talk about? 

I write with candor and compassion about what families will need, what they must cast aside, and the surprising players who show up—or no-show—at the party. 

Throughout the party narrative, I weaves in vignettes of my family’s journey down this “hairpin-turn road.”  These include tearful recollections, joyful triumphs, maddening debacles, and just about everything in between.  

The book is written as a manual for any family navigating the world of the “after” party.  More importantly, it’s a wake-up call to everyone who knows someone in this situation.  For families and besties of families forced to stay at the “after” party,” I have one take-away message, “Listen up!  There’s a world of hurt or a world of help that you can offer.  Choose the latter.”